National Day Parade 2006

09 August 2006

National Day Parade 2006
I am honoured to be involved in National Day Parade (NDP) 2006, the last NDP to be held at the National Stadium. NDP 2006 is organized by 1st Guards (1Guards), which is not affiliated to 1SIR. Therefore, it is really a privilege that our 1Guards brothers requested for manpower assistance from my battalion. It is definitely a meaningful and memorable experience for me.

NDP 2006

Gate IC at Pigeon Hole 34B
As I would be away for my Class 2B Riding Course from 5.6.06 to 5.7.06, Eugene assigned a simpler task for me, to avoid disrupting the overall logistics and manpower reshuffling. I am tasked to be the Gate IC at Pigeon Hole 34B, which is just beside the combined school choir. My task is to listen for cues on when to open the gates to let the performers in to perform for their segment. I am teamed up with guys from Alpha company, who will open the gate after I pass the cue to them.

My job scope was relatively light and most of my chores (opening the gate) would happen before the Pre-Parade segment and would end during the first segment of the Main Performance. Therefore, my position could be easily covered by someone else during my absence.

Pigeon Hole 34B is to the left of the combined school choir, below the banners "0" & "6".

Gate IC at Pigeon Hole 34B.

Some of the student performers whom we open the gate for.

NDP 2006 Common Rehearsal
The 1st Common Rehearsal (CR) was held on 3.6.06 (sat) at the National Stadium. At that time, the show was not finalized yet. The performers still messed up the choreography and there were lots of scolding and shouting from the instructors. It was actually quite entertaining to watch the NG moments.

These Nasi Lemak lunch provided during Common Rehearsal reminds me of those hawkers selling nasi lemak and curry puffs to audience watching the Malaysia Cup.

Upon returning from my bike course on 6.7.06 (thu), I joined the rest for the CR. I was actually quite excited, because this would be the 1st time I am able to watch the full show that evening (6.7.06). It is remarkable to see great improvement across all the performers.

NDP 2006 Common Rehearsal

My position gave me a full, but inverted view of the show as we are stationed opposite the Presidents, Cabinet Ministers and Members of Parliament, who are seated at the covered grandstand.

As Gate IC, I have a full run-down of the programme, with minute-to-minute countdown cues on what is happening next. As our tasks were relatively light, I get to watch most of the parade during off-duty moments. The minute-to-minute countdown cues are very useful for my team to aim our camera on the freefall, aerial flypast, programme highlights and fireworks. These cues are also important in ensuring safety of performers and audience, as we are in close proximity to the fireworks, which were ignited directly behind us.

Enthusiastic Singaporeans waiting for NDP 2006 to start.

Singapore Flag flypast

National Day Parade 2006: OUR GLOBAL CITY, OUR HOME

Memories of NDP 2006
The NDP 2006 experience provides me with a deep insight on logistics and events management. It really requires the cooperation of an entire village to make a national-scale event happen.

I am honoured to be involved in NDP 2006.

Life during this period is the slackest in my NSF life! We spent most of our time on NDP stuff, as we are involved in rehearsals on Thursday and Saturday. We will book out on Friday afternoon, report directly to National Stadium by 12pm on Saturday, and have our off days on Sunday and Monday. This means that we get to enjoy 3 nights of sleep at home (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). As such, we only spent 3 days (Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday) in camp.

Furthermore, the 1h long bus #10 ride to/from National Stadium on every Saturday morning and Saturday night are very enjoyable to me.

Goodbye National Stadium
With the completion of NDP 2006, it also means that the beloved National Stadium will be demolished to make way for a new covered national stadium. I have been visiting the National Stadium regularly since primary school days to watch football (Malaysia Cup). Therefore, I have fond memories of the National Stadium. It is sad to see a familiar landmark disappeared, but I will always remember the hawkers selling nasi lemak and curry puffs, the golden days of football in Singapore, endless Kallang Wave and loud Lion Roar.

Goodbye National Stadium. We are free to explore the National Stadium when off-duty during rehearsals.

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