Article published in i-weekly (NO.490 22MAR2007)

19 March 2007

Everyday Life after I fractured my Left 3rd Metacarpal
Ever since I fractured my Left 3rd Metacarpal on 8.2.07 and was on long MC, I am living a holiday lifestyle similar to my long breaks after graduating from secondary and high schools... The only difference is, I am quite immobile due to the injury. Furthermore, I dislike going out, as my cast invites unwanted stares from strangers... Therefore, I will only run errands on days when I have medical appointments to minimize going out.

Everyday, I will wake up at around 1pm, bath, eat lunch at about 2pm and then idle at home. I will either watch video (J-pop live concerts or pv compilations), read about remixing and DJ-ing, work on my map research or update my blog at my computer. After which, I will bath, eat dinner at about 7pm and start watching TV. I will bath again before sleeping at around 1am... After my DVD player broke down weeks ago, I become really bored easily... Therefore, watching TV becomes one of my favourite pastimes...

"世界那么大" & "台湾脚逛大陆"
Of the numerous TV shows I watched, my favourite would be the travelogues "世界那么大" and "台湾脚逛大陆".

I first watched "世界那么大" on 15.2.07, while waiting for Papa to bring us out for dinner at Tampines 201 and I fell in love with the show instantly. This episode introduced Spain's Barcelona and Bunol, focusing on the La Tomatina festival. Host 小预儿 is able to present both educational and fun-seeking content in a natural and lively way. I am so fascinated by the show that I planned to watch it again during its 2nd telecast later that night.

While waiting for the 2nd telecast of "世界那么大" to start, I watched the 2nd telecast of "台湾脚逛大陆" and I was equally amazed by it. From then onwards, I become a loyal fan of both shows.

Regarding the content of the shows, "台湾脚逛大陆" introduced remote but interesting parts of China; while "世界那么大" brings viewers to various tourism destinations around the world that are unfamiliar to many. Both shows are able to deliver educational content (which has always been lacking in many travel shows) in a lively and relax manner that perfectly sets the mood for viewers to stay tune throughout the shows. Besides being professional as a tour guide and TV variety host, the 3 girls皮皮, 小预儿 and 柯以柔 also played hard when they introduced local adventure and entertainment.

Article published in "i-weekly 黑白讲"
The excellent quality of both shows inspired me to write an essay to "i-weekly黑白讲" to compliment the production teams of both shows for their hard work and performance. I wrote and submitted the essay on 15.3.07. To my delight, my article was published in "i-weekly NO.490 22MAR2007" (released on 19.3.07) and won the best article of the week. Although this is not the first time I am been featured on public media, this is the first time I am featured on a Chinese mass media. I am very happy, because my views and opinions are being accepted by somebody else. Printed below is my award-winning article.

Original Article:
非常喜欢U频道正在播映的 "台湾脚逛大陆" 及 "世界那么大". "台湾脚逛大陆" 让人重新认识中国而 "世界那么大" 所介绍的景点是许多国人认识不深或不会考虑去旅游的地方, 使人眼前一亮. 两个节目也以轻松的方式大量深入介绍异国当地丰富的人文历史, 非常有教育意义. 另外, 很欣赏主持人 - 皮皮, 小预儿及柯以柔以最自然亲切的素颜亮相. 好的旅游节目无须纳闷的角色扮演或夸张不好笑的呈现方式, 最重要的是主持人的专业, 内涵与节目的内容质量. (文彬)

My article published in "i-weekly 黑白讲" ("i-weekly" NO.490 22MAR2007)

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