Op GP Journal 4: The radial states of America

05 June 2020

so bad, its so good! 🤣🌈

unpopular opinion: i dont support racism; but i do remembered there was simpler days when we dont see any problems with an asian acting as a yellow ranger, a black as black ranger, a girly girl as pink ranger or a nerd as blue ranger. we just see them as another human/superhero. perspective is a powerful tool.

objectively, i do wonder whether racism is a human’s built-in survival mechanism, bcoz racism/supremacy is an issue since antiquity, but nothing much improved since. hope there is some unbias psychological research done on this hypothesis. + nowadays, people just seems to sensationalize, over-react & get offended so easily over everything anything, especially on subjects/perspectives that dont align with their own. people will start laffing, labeling, blaming, doxing others from the opposite camp. somehow it feels like a regression of free speech & open-mindness, especially among keyboard warriors in social medias (u & i included). tbh if 1 disagree with what the author wrote, 1 can simply scroll next, there is no need to ‘engage in discussion’, ‘trying to correct your mindset’, feel upset or getting everyone to like you or agree with you. thats not how social media should work. perhaps try getting a life offline. :)

Response to "The radial states of America" by Terrible Maps (original article at https://www.facebook.com/TerribleMaps/photos/a.1702342333343482/

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