Unhappiness on NUS Virtual Commencement 2021

08 June 2021

virtual commencement is lame. glad to know i am not the only one who is annoyed & disappointed with the way how NUS handle & inform of the decision to switch to online commencement ceremonies.

from the emails, NUS gives the impression that the school has never intended to organize physical commencement for Class of 2020 & 2021 from the beginning. there is generally a lack of information in the emails sent to graduating students on details (such as what kind of photos NUS prefer graduates to upload? what attire should graduates & attendees wear for the virtual commencement? detailed programme for the ceremony? how are graduates going to receive the hardcopy degree?). these info were only disseminated when asked. kind of absurd, considering they have 1 full year to think and plan for such back-up plans.

in fact, NUS gives the vibes that the school would rather choose to 'break record' for being the 1st local university to conduct an online graduation ceremony, at the expense of graduating students. SIT, NTU & SUSS postponed & held physical graduation ceremonies for Class of 2020 in February 2021, March 2021 & April 2021 respectively. NTU & SUTD also decided to postpone the Convocation for Class of 2021 until further notice. therefore, there is really no reason why NUS cant do the same.

Commencement is an important milestone for many graduates’ academic life, especially for bachelor fresh grads who spent close to 20years to get their degree. glad i experienced my moment during my NTU ADM Convocation in 2011, but i still feel bitter that NUS could have handle this better. I really prefer NUS to postpone the Commencement till a safer date (even if i have to wait for months or years), than to do a half-arsed virtual event. guess the backlashes from students prompted the school to repeatedly urge students to upload their individual photos & quietly amend the website to state that NUS is exploring the possibilities of conducting physical commencement at a later date, which i doubt will happen from the school’s attitude & response so far...

i think i ranted before on how lousy/inefficient NUS admin is, but i think i need to reiterate that NUS admin really sucks & is consistently full of random cock-ups & boo-boos that will just surprise students off-guarded. tbh NTU is a lot better & more organized, at least i didnt encountered ridiculous admin lapses during my 4years in NTU.

In response to NUSWhispers #97856: NUS commencement ceremony (https://www.nuswhispers.com/confession/97856).

You may help us (NUS Class of 2021) by signing the petition here: http://chng.it/SRBLKMdsYR.

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