Papa's 64th birthday

11 August 2024

身後 / 張惠妹

今天 (8月11日) 是爸爸的 64岁冥诞.
一首好歌是可以勾起我們的回憶的. 在 "ASMeiR Max 2024" 演唱會聽到 A-mei 現場唱這首歌時, 真的差一點淚奔.
如果有经历过去太平间, 从冰柜認領突然离世的亲人遗体, 然后办理葬礼, 火化, 捡骨, 安放灵骨塔, 慢慢放下, 然后继续生活的人, 应该都会认同这只获奖无数的 MV 真的拍摄的很好.
歌名也是有趣的雙關語: 可以解讀為一個人的身體後面 (你的身後) 和一個人死後 (身後事).
很顯然, "掉了", "身後" 和 "離別總是那麼突然" 也讓阿妹組成了 "死亡三部曲".

Today (11 August) is Papa's 64th birthday.
this song hits me hard when A-mei sing it live during her "ASMeiR Max 2024 World Tour" at Singapore Indoor Stadium on 28 July 2024.
for those who experienced sudden death of an immediate family member, going to the mortuary to identify the body from the freezer, retrieve the body, signing (lots of) admin documents, arranging the funeral, answering (tons of) Q&A from relatives and friends, walking the last journey to the crematorium for cremation, 'collecting the bones', placing the urn at the columbarium, slowly accepting the loss, and continue with life, will definitely be able to relate to this award-winning music video of A-mei single "Left Behind". it is not surprising that this MV won the Red Dot Design Award.
interesting, the song title (in chinese) is a pun of 'behind someone' and 'after death'.
this song is also a critical component of A-mei death trilogy comprising "Disappear", Left Behind" & "Tritesse".

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