Excellent Star Award 2024 (draft)

06 October 2024

My personal preference, favourite and recognition for the local TV scene for Calendar Year 2024; as CY2024 is still on-going, this list will be updated accoringly with the premiere of new shows.

SG TV aired quite a lot of really lousy local dramas this year. I had shortlisted "时光倾城 Moments", "宠他,还是爱我? Furever Yours" & "不可饶恕的罪恶 Unforgiveable" for the "Worst Drama of 2024". However, as these 3 dramas are really bad in different aspects (i.e. nonsensical story, poor script, bad casting & poor acting for "时光倾城 Moments"; I really dislike the pets theme for "宠他,还是爱我? Furever Yours", which doesnt make me even interested to watch it; good concept but poor story, boring script, below expectation acting from cast, very bad cinematography for "不可饶恕的罪恶 Unforgiveable"), so I have difficulty deciding which of these 3 drama shall be crowned as the "Worst Drama of 2024". Nevertheless, I think "时光倾城 Moments" will clinch the title for the "Worst Drama of 2024".

Best Drama:
孺子可教也 Born To Shine
非爱不可 To Be Loved
完全省錢戀愛手冊 Love on a shoestring
浴水重生 Hope Afloat
最佳遗产 Never Too Late

Best Actor:
陈邦鋆 Andie Tan (孺子可教也 Born To Shine)
张耀栋 Zhang Yao Dong (孺子可教也 Born To Shine)
林明伦 Darren Lim (孺子可教也 Born To Shine)
崇喆 Gavin Teo (非爱不可 To Be Loved)
张哲通 Teoh Ze Tong (浴水重生 Hope Afloat)
翟思铭 Zhai Siming (最佳遗产 Never Too Late)

Best Actress:
黄晶玲 Ferlyn G (嫁给不同世界的你 I Do, Do I?)
美心 Macy Chen (孺子可教也 Born To Shine)
林昭婷 Kiki Lim (非爱不可 To Be Loved)
周智彗 Cheryl Chou (完全省錢戀愛手冊 Love on a shoestring)
黄暄婷 Chantelle Ng (浴水重生 Hope Afloat)
刘怡伶 Tasha Low (浴水重生 Hope Afloat)
陈楚寰 Denise Camillia Tan (最佳遗产 Never Too Late)
何盈莹 He Ying Ying (最佳遗产 Never Too Late)

Best Supporting Actor:
陈建彬 Marcus Chin (嫁给不同世界的你 I Do, Do I?)
张哲通 Teoh Ze Tong (那一年的除夕夜 Once Upon A New Year's Eve)
洪国锐 Hong Guo Rui (孺子可教也 Born To Shine)
苏梽诚 Calvin Soh (孺子可教也 Born To Shine)
郭亮 Guo Liang (浴水重生 Hope Afloat)
徐鸣杰 Jeffrey Xu (最佳遗产 Never Too Late)

Best Supporting Actress:
陈丽贞 Aileen Tan (嫁给不同世界的你 I Do, Do I?)
许美珍 Cynthia Koh (嫁给不同世界的你 I Do, Do I?)
林茹萍 Lin Ru Ping (孺子可教也 Born To Shine)
刘玲玲 Liu Ling Ling (非爱不可 To Be Loved)
洪爱玲 Irene Ang (非爱不可 To Be Loved)
许美珍 Cynthia Koh (浴水重生 Hope Afloat)
张嘉轩 Grace Teo (浴水重生 Hope Afloat)
陈丽贞 Aileen Tan (最佳遗产 Never Too Late)

Best Theme Song:
非爱不可 / 佳旺 Keon Chia (非爱不可 To Be Loved)
让爱蔓延 / 崇喆 Gavin Teo (非爱不可 To Be Loved)

Most Improved Artist:
林昭婷 Kiki Lim (非爱不可 To Be Loved)

Best Overseas Drama:
新闻女王 The Queen of News

Worst Drama:
时光倾城 Moments
宠他,还是爱我? Furever Yours
不可饶恕的罪恶 Unforgiveable

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Excellent Star Award 2024 (draft)   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.


09 September 2024

8 September 2024 (Sun)
Singapore Expo Hall 7

[On a rainy day, I had a Shock when a Shadow takes a deep Breath at Midnight. perhaps it is a Mystery or just a Fiction, but I indeed heard that Beautiful Bad Girl Calling You "YeY". maybe it is just Good Luck that it stop raining at 12:30, so that It's Still a Beautiful Night and not too late for the BODY to feel Loved and Daydream Alone. Plz Don't Be Sad, even though the Ribbon Butterfly is No More Beautiful, but tomorrow Can Be Better. Take Care, as it is Not The End.]

from B2ST (pre-debut) to BEAST to Highlight (they were forced to change their name after leaving their management in 2016); from being sarcastically labelled by K-media as a 'recycled group' before debut to 1 of the most decorated 2G group that is still active today (despite the name change & losing their producer/rapper Junhyung due to the Burning Sun scandal)... Doojoon, Yoseob, Kikwang & Dongwoon has definitely come a very long way! fortunately, fans remained & evolved from B2UTY to LIGHT.

Wasnt expecting BEAST (tbh i'm still not accustomed to the new name) to perform in Singapore again, so I am pleasantly surprised knowing that they have a stop here, which happens to be the last stop of this tour. glad, we managed to get tix for this sold out concert. Expo was extremely crowded 2h before the door opens, with lots of fans Q-ing for merchandise. I’m surprised with the huge number of fanboys (easily 30% of the audience). Somehow this concert has the old school (i.e. early 2010s) K-concert vibes in Singapore, as fans are very orderly and will help each other take photos & even chit chat while Q-ing. Happy to see such good habits being revived.

HIGHLIGHT performed 24 songs in total. They opened the concert with hits released as HIGHLIGHT, but it is the older BEAST classics that ignite the stage & set the audience crazy. The ambient is totally different immediately when the intro of "Bad Girl" was dropped. Most importantly, they performed most of the songs I like (eg "on rainy days", "Breath", "Shadow", "Fiction" & "Good Luck"). It will be perfect if they had sang "Beautiful Night" too.

Acoustic at Expo Hall 7 is surprisingly good (Hall 1 was pretty bad when I watched MISIA in 2008). Doojoon, Yoseob, Kikwang & Dongwoon are superb performers with great charisma. Yoseob vocal (especially his signature high notes) is amazing. Doojoon really improved leaps and bounds (think he totally replaced Kikwang as my new bias). Interestingly, Junhyung’s rap were either omitted (thru re-arrangement, so some songs sounded quite abrupt) or replaced by instrumental. perhaps they did it for practical reason (as none of the remaining members are strong rappers) & as a form of respect (to show that Junhyung is irreplaceable). Overall a really enjoyable show. 🩶

#B2ST #BEAST #Highlight #Doojoon #Yoseob #Kikwang #Dongwoon #2GKpop

1 Switch On
4 Feel Your Love (48.6Hertz)
6 Give You My All
7 Plz Don't Be Sad
9 Bad Girl
10 Shock
11 Special
12 Shadow
13 Good Luck
14 Breath
15 On Rainy Days
16 Ribbon
17 Fiction
19 In My Head
20 Don't Leave
21 Beautiful
22 V.I.U. (Very Important You)
23 How To Love
24 Oasis

[side note: we will be attending another 1 more concert (BoA) before 2024 ends... so many K-concerts this year. hope there will be more 2G Kpop acts, especially those who are still active or made a comeback (eg. 2NE1, KARA, T-ARA, 2PM) will perform here next year. Jpop are welcomed too, as it has been 7years since the last J-pop concert here (i.e. Do As Infinity in September 2017).]

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HIGHLIGHT LIVE 2024 [LIGHTS GO ON AGAIN] IN SINGAPORE   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

Papa's 64th birthday

11 August 2024

身後 / 張惠妹

今天 (8月11日) 是爸爸的 64岁冥诞.
一首好歌是可以勾起我們的回憶的. 在 "ASMeiR Max 2024" 演唱會聽到 A-mei 現場唱這首歌時, 真的差一點淚奔.
如果有经历过去太平间, 从冰柜認領突然离世的亲人遗体, 然后办理葬礼, 火化, 捡骨, 安放灵骨塔, 慢慢放下, 然后继续生活的人, 应该都会认同这只获奖无数的 MV 真的拍摄的很好.
歌名也是有趣的雙關語: 可以解讀為一個人的身體後面 (你的身後) 和一個人死後 (身後事).
很顯然, "掉了", "身後" 和 "離別總是那麼突然" 也讓阿妹組成了 "死亡三部曲".

Today (11 August) is Papa's 64th birthday.
this song hits me hard when A-mei sing it live during her "ASMeiR Max 2024 World Tour" at Singapore Indoor Stadium on 28 July 2024.
for those who experienced sudden death of an immediate family member, going to the mortuary to identify the body from the freezer, retrieve the body, signing (lots of) admin documents, arranging the funeral, answering (tons of) Q&A from relatives and friends, walking the last journey to the crematorium for cremation, 'collecting the bones', placing the urn at the columbarium, slowly accepting the loss, and continue with life, will definitely be able to relate to this award-winning music video of A-mei single "Left Behind". it is not surprising that this MV won the Red Dot Design Award.
interesting, the song title (in chinese) is a pun of 'behind someone' and 'after death'.
this song is also a critical component of A-mei death trilogy comprising "Disappear", Left Behind" & "Tritesse".

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Papa's 64th birthday   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

Max Maeder wins bronze for Kitefoiling at Paris Olympics 2024

09 August 2024

Congrats Maximilian Maeder for winning the bronze medal in the Men's Formula Kite (Kitefoiling) Sailing on 9 August 2024 at the Paris Olympics 2024. 🥉

17years old Max Maeder becomes the 6th Singaporean Olympian to stand on the Olympics winning podium. This is definitely the best birthday present for Singapore. So proud for him. 🇸🇬🎂🎉


Max Maeder wins bronze for Kitefoiling at Paris Olympics 2024   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

Singapore Live

07 August 2024

J-pop Live @ Singapore
Aikawa Nanase Fort Canning Live 10.6.06
(10 June 2006 @ Fort Canning Park)

(13 September 2008 @ Singapore Expo Hall 1)

K-pop Live @ Singapore
Super Show 3 Singapore
(29 January 2011 & 30 January 2011 @ Singapore Indoor Stadium)
Super Junior Asia Tour 2024 SUPER SHOW SPIN-OFF: Halftime Singapore

C-pop Live @ Singapore
ASMeiR Max 2024 World Tour Singapore

Singapore Indies Live
TRAFFIC JAM (street parties @ Connaught Drive)

National Day Parade
National Day Parade 2006
PossibiCity - PREVIEW NDP @ MARINA BAY 2007
National Day Parade 2024

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Singapore Live   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

NDP 2024

03 August 2024

NDP 2024 (NE3) on 13 July 2024 @ Padang

grateful for the tickets to watch NDP 'live' for the 7th time [2005 Padang; 2006 National Stadium (NS crew); 2007 Float; 2009 Float; 2016 Sports Hub; 2019 Padang; 2024 Padang].

obviously, my all-time NDP favourite is still the Singapore Flag flypast 🇸🇬 & aerial display.

the audience are obviously hugely disappointed when the Reviewing Officer stand-in is not CPT Lam Hong Xiang (i.e. the RSAF Oppa who went viral & was widely hyped by students online for 'being more handsome than K-pop idols'!!). the 'chey' was so loud that it was quite awkward when nobody clap for the NE3 stand-in (& worse, he seems to be some big shot lol). furthermore, the students cheered very loudly for Benjamin Kheng & the SMRT bus deployed for the Dynamic Defence Display (really paiseh to the max for the President stand-in). man, it is really quite unexpected that Benjamin Kheng is extremely popular among the Pri5 & Sec3 boys... they screamed madly for his 2 appearances on stage & all of them know how to sing his songs!

tbh I went to NDP 2024 NE3 without expectation, so I am pleasantly pleased with the show segment. thankfully there isnt any cliche rendition of Sang Nila Utama, Raffles, LKY crying, national disasters or the pandemic.

the 60s retro songs coupled with visuals of classic local food are nicely curated for nostalgic vibes. plus, the interlude films (especially "Care and Compassion") are neatly done, stirring the right amount of emotions, without being over-the-top. tbh some of the interviews did moved me (at the brim of tears), but it is done 'just right', so instead of really dropping a tear, it warms my heart with a smile. i think it is not easy to achieve this 'just right' amount of emotion & empathy.

I am extremely proud that NDP 2024 is directed by ADM seniors Davier & Chia Meng. objectively, i do think they did a great job.

Together As One United People
Happy 59th Birthday Singapore.
Majulah Singapura 🇸🇬

[side note: am seated quite high up at the Yellow Sector (north grandstand). somehow i feel the temporary grandstand is quite shaky when the speaker or audience are louder than usual. didnt experience such tremble during past NDP at Padang, so can be quite scary while standing & when climbing the steep stairs.]

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NDP 2024   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.


01 August 2024

BP's Map Reflection
- Boundary changes of Constituencies & alleged gerrymandering
- Going map-crazy... I Like!


Brickworks   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

General Paper

Op GP Journals:
Journals written in June 2020 after discharged from hospitalization, while recuperating after my benign brain tumour surgery.
- Op GP Journal 1: Give the nurses & frontline heroes the overdue amount of respect & recognition
- Op GP Journal 2: “剃头刀” (Titoudao)
- Op GP Journal 4: The radial states of America
- Op GP Journal 5: 21years of J-pop
- Op GP Journal 6: I absolutely hate Adobe’s intangible Creative Cloud (CC) subscription model
- Op GP Journal 7: Boundary changes of Constituencies & alleged gerrymandering
- Op GP Journal 8: SKY Castle

Recuperating Journals 2023:
Journals written in March - May 2023, while recuperating after discharged from hospitalization due to seizures.
- 坂本龍一様
- "Silent Walls" (密宅)
- What's happening to the malls of Tampines?

Recuperating Journals 2024:
Journals written in January 2024, while recuperating after brain tumour surgery.
- SimplyGo-stan
- Re-introduction of White Flat?

Response to article:
- Give the nurses & frontline heroes the overdue amount of respect & recognition
- I absolutely hate Adobe’s intangible Creative Cloud (CC) subscription model
- Boundary changes of Constituencies & alleged gerrymandering
- Say “No” to free work & exploitation!
- Perceived (mis)handling of the pandemic by the Singapore Government
- Flaws of our meritocracy system and group think
- Pain points experienced by young/1st-time home-seekers like me
- SQ will not proceed with paper boxes for food on medium-haul and long-haul flights after feedback
- Going map-crazy... I Like!
- East Coast Long Island (finally?)
- Paris 2024: worst-ever Olympics Opening Ceremony in history

Personal Opinion:
- Unhappiness on NUS Virtual Commencement 2021
- College of Everything
- What's happening to the malls of Tampines?
- Achieving while battling adversity
- SimplyGo-stan

- Paris 2024: worst-ever Olympics Opening Ceremony in history

Published Op-ed:
- Article published in i-weekly (NO.490 22MAR2007)

Singapore Topics:
- Boundary changes of Constituencies & alleged gerrymandering
- Perceived (mis)handling of the pandemic by the Singapore Government
- Flaws of our meritocracy system and group think
- Pain points experienced by young/1st-time home-seekers like me
- SQ will not proceed with paper boxes for food on medium-haul and long-haul flights after feedback
- What's happening to the malls of Tampines?
- East Coast Long Island (finally?)
- SimplyGo-stan
- Re-introduction of White Flat?

Map Topics:
- The radial states of America
- Boundary changes of Constituencies & alleged gerrymandering
- Going map-crazy... I Like!

Urban Planning Topics:
- Pain points experienced by young/1st-time home-seekers like me
- East Coast Long Island (finally?)
- Re-introduction of White Flat?


General Paper   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

ASMeiR Max 2024 World Tour Singapore

29 July 2024

ASMeiR Max 2024 World Tour Singapore
28 July 2024 at Singapore Indoor Stadium

華語天后的第十次巡回演唱會! C-pop Diva is back in town!! & this time it is at Indoor Stadium (not the white elephant with lousy acoustic, where only audience who has no appreciation for music will waste $$$). Besides talent of the artist, good venue acoustic is very important in making a concert successful.

We didnt managed to get tix for the 1st night (which was sold out within minutes on sale), so we are very grateful for being able to get tix from our friends in the media industry for the similarly full-house 2nd show.

The BGM when we entered Indoor was "好膽你就來" (as per concert SOP, it means this song will not be performed). The concert opens punctually at 8pm. The setlist for both nights is slightly different. A-mei replaced "藍天" with "我恨我愛你", and "姐妹" was intentionally left out from the main repertoire.

A-mei is still a powerhouse. While she did not performed my favourite "藍天" & "不顧一切", I am still very impressed with her explosive vocal throughout the 3h concert. She performed 24 full songs & 2 medleys (i.e. 32songs in total).

There was never a dull moment. The audience are so high that it is either a massive KTV arena or almost everyone are standing and grooving to the beat. Truly AMSR!! As usual, she teared up numerous time whenever the audience sing-along loudly with her.

Most importantly, A-mei surprised fans of the 2nd show with a double encore!! The 1st encore is an acoustic rendition of "姐妹" as a baby shower blessing from A-mei (& Singapore fans) for her backing chorus 叶玮庭 (Uni Yeh), who is heavily pregnant and will be going for maternity leave after tonight show. It is a very sweet moment & A-mei gave Uni a basket of merlion plush toys, each representing a member of her family. The 2nd encore is "人質".

A trivia noteworthy is, the music director, many band members, crew & support staff of the tour are Singaporeans, so A-mei said the Singapore stop is effectively a 'homecoming performance' for them. Her mother & some of her relatives are among the audience too.

From what she mentioned, A-mei will likely have another major tour next year, before she celebrate her 30th anniversary in 2026.

張惠妹世界巡回演唱會新加坡站 (第2场)
[Opening: ASMR Overture]
[Chorus Interlude: 一個人跳舞 + 火 + 狠角色 + 都對也都錯]
High High High + 相愛後動物感傷 + So Good
解脫 + 一想到你呀 + 牽手
[Band Interlude: 別在傷口撒鹽]
[Dance Interlude: 跳進來]
Bad Boy
Yes or No
[Encore 1] 姐妹 (Acoustic) [baby shower blessing from A-mei & Singapore fans for Uni Yeh]
[Encore 2] 人質

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ASMeiR Max 2024 World Tour Singapore   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

Paris 2024: worst-ever Olympics Opening Ceremony in history

27 July 2024

nice city... but this supposingly 'unique' concept just didnt work. visually quite messy & lacks focal point(s). probably the most underwhelming opening ceremony for recent Olympics... 🥱

Hahaha & i'm not alone. the internet is really buzzling with tons of harsh critiques from international media (e.g. NY Post, , Irish Star, Daily Mail, Daily Express US, Express UK, LADBible, Herald Sun, SCMP, Yahoo Sports) & global netizens on the worst-ever Olympics Opening Ceremony in history. [interestingly, only Singapore's mainstream media praised the opening lol... guess they dun have enough time to edit their final draft accordingly to the reality in time for print.] Don't believe, go google "worst Olympics Opening" and see the results yourself.

Extracting some of the more striking reports/comments from the media here for ref:

"Taking the show out of the stadium and onto the Seine was a unique and well-intended idea from a historically out-of-the-box country. But not every revolution works out." - NY Post "Nothing came together. Was any of the messy staging awe-inspiring or remotely impressive, as London, Beijing, Sydney, Rio and Tokyo all were? Non. The fake enthusiasm of the NBC presenters, including Kelly Clarkson, over the buffet of banality deserves an Emmy." - NY Post (https://nypost.com/2024/07/26/entertainment/the-paris-olympics-2024-opening-ceremony-was-shockingly-bad/)

"The Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony has been dubbed the "worst in history" by angry fans watching the action unfold from home." - Express UK (https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1928620/paris-2024-olympics-opening-ceremony-worst-history)

The 2024 Paris Olympics Games left viewers fuming as sports lovers called the introduction the "worst opening ever", declared the boat parade "terrible," and raged against the abysmal camera angles." - Daily Express US (https://www.the-express.com/latest/olympic-games)

"The Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony was dubbed the 'worst in history' by many UK viewers - with the city centre spectacle failing to impress fans all over the globe" - Irish Star (https://www.irishstar.com/sport/other-sports/shocker-france-paris-olympics-opening-33337777)

"But the chaotic nature of the whole ceremony failed to grip some viewers who were already beginning to turn off at the start." - GB News (https://www.gbnews.com/sport/other-sport/paris-olympics-opening-ceremony-worst-ever-viewers-switch-off)

"The Paris Olympics organisers’ brave attempt at a different approach to the opening ceremony did not go down too well with fans on social media." - South China Morning Post (https://www.scmp.com/sport/paris-olympics-2024/article/3272107/paris-olympics-opening-ceremony-branded-worst-ever-disappointed-social-media-users)

London-based lecturer Dr Luka Vicinic expressed his disappointment, tweeting: "Honestly, this is the worst Olympic Games Opening Ceremoy since I can remember. Seriously, what on Earth is this? "

"The unique opening ceremony proved very divisive, with many panning the disjointed coverage and complaining it went way too long. One of the biggest gripes was the lack of air-time the athletes received, with the majority of the focus on the performances rather than the competitors. Viewers only saw glimpses of the athletes from wide camera angles, and many complained there wasn't enough focus placed on the stars of the Games." - Yahoo Sports (https://au.sports.yahoo.com/olympics-opening-ceremony-divides-opinion-as-athletes-dudded-by-horrible-move-in-paris-205723497.html)

The 1st Olympics Opening I watched live was Atlanta 1996 (when I was P5, in the morning before school). To be honest, I do remember snippets of each olympics opening. For Atlanta 199, while eerie, the soulful performers & pringles chips in olympics colours (each representing a continent) dancing to the tribal beats was impactful; Sydney 2000 (Sec3; Bjork refused to hold a mic when asked to lip-sync); Greece 2004; Beijing 2008 (the footprint fireworks across Beijing city night sky); London 2012; Tokyo 2021 (MISIA singing Japan national anthem to an empty stadium). Paris 2024 will definitely be remembered as a boring cheap show shadowed by lots of terror threats & poor weather.

Personally, this mess is like a rojak of our Singapore River Cruise, City Duck Tour, Chingay rehearsal, rehearsal of NDP @ Marina Bay Float, just that we (a little red dot) did it much much better. Like what some netizens commented, they feel embarrased on behalf of France.

Paris 2024: worst-ever Olympics Opening Ceremony in history   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

Super Junior Asia Tour 2024 SUPER SHOW SPIN-OFF: Halftime Singapore

19 July 2024

Super Junior Asia Tour 2024 SUPER SHOW SPIN-OFF: Halftime Singapore
14 July 2024 at Indoor Stadium

19years of fandom & proud to say that i have never missed a single Super Show in Singapore (SS3 Jan2011, SS4 Feb2012, SS5 Jul2013, SS6 May2015, SS7 Jan2018, SS9 Sep2022; i attended both dates for SS3 & SS4). 💙

personally i think "Super Show Spin-off: Halftime" is better than SS9; perhaps bcoz they sang much more older hits (in their original arrangement & choreography) today.

the concert opens with their latest single "Show Time", followed by their 2006 pre-breakthrough singles "Wonder Boy" & "Dancing Out", setting the right energy level for the entire live.

as "Spin-off: Halftime" is not a standard Super Show (i.e. it is conceptualized as a 'deviation', like the halftime of a football match), so the repertoire includes a list of songs that aint staple in recent Super Shows. the most interesting segment would be the mashup sub-units that feature 'random' members (some being really unexpected) to perform signature tune of the original sub-units. for instance, Leeteuk was added to form SJ-L.E.D. with Eunhyuk & Donghae (the dance duo of SJ-D&E) to perform "Suit Up" (originally by SJ-LSS, which Leeteuk is an original member); Shindong, Kyuhyun & Yesung grouped as SJ-S.K.Y. to sing "Let's Not" (a ballad by SJ-KRY; Shindong who isnt known for his singing capability did impressed with his vocal!); SJ-R.S. (Ryeowook & Siwon; both not great dancers) challenged SJ-D&E with their rendition of "Danger". Solos (an important segment during normal Super Shows for each member to showcase their individual strengths & works outside the group) were also banned, so the numerous solo ballads were jointly sang by all the members.

The performance of "SPY" & "Opera" (both were non-lead singles off their 5th & 6th albums respectively) were very well-received by fans, and "Lovely Day" becomes a huge karaoke session. the energy picks up again with classics "Devil" & "Black Suits", before "A Man in Love" seemingly transport us back in time, as if we are watching the opening number of "Super Show 2" in 2009. finally, a Super Junior concert is incomplete without a performance of their magnum opus "Sorry, Sorry" (rearranged as a rock version).

the boys are still strong performers in terms of dance & vocal capabilities, still as jovial (e.g. their long love for crab/crap, singlish), and some members even demonstrated drastic improvement in languages. Siwon even preached & prayed, and he explained "he cant help it, coz it is Sunday".

Lastly, Leader Leeteuk announced that Super Junior will perform at Singapore in September 2025 as part of their 20th Anniversary celebration, Heechul will be performing & ELFs will get to select their favourite songs to be performed (likely thru voting). Like what Eunhyuk said, the Super Junior members are growing old, so are ELFs (growing old together with them), so i'm really looking forward to the events, releases & tours commemorating their 20th Anniversary next year.

Hope they enjoyed their chilli crab, pepper crab, super crap, Botanic Garden walk & the warmness from Singapore ELFs during their stay here.

Opening VCR
Show Time
Wonder Boy
Dancing Out
Don't Wait
Suit Up (SJ-LSS song; cover by SJ-LED)
Let's Not (SJ-KRY song; cover by SJ-SKY)
Danger (SJ-D&E; cover by SJ-RS)
It has To Be You (Yesung solo; SJ ver)
At Gwanghwamun (Kyuhyun solo; SJ ver)
The Little Prince (Ryeowook solo; SJ ver)
The One I Love (SJ-KRY song; SJ ver)
Get a Guitar (Riize; cover by SJ)
Hype Boy (NewJeans; cover by SJ)
Lovely Day
From U
Black Suit
A Man in Love
Sorry, Sorry

[side note: 1.5years since i attended a concert & July calendar is suddenly filled with 2 lives & NDP. love the live atmosphere.]

#SuperJunior #SuperShow #SuperShowSpinoffHalftime #Leeteuk #Yesung #Shindong #Eunhyuk #Donghae #Siwon #Ryeowook #Kyuhyun #ELF #SapphireBlue #SingaporeIndoorStadium #IndoorStadium #Stadium #Kallang #Singapore

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Super Junior Asia Tour 2024 SUPER SHOW SPIN-OFF: Halftime Singapore   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

新闻女王 The Queen of News

01 July 2024

"新闻女王" (The Queen of News) 真的很好看! 早前在网上看了粤语原音版 (看字幕, 不会广东... 广东话真的太复杂, 太太太难了! 只会几个单字. 如果不是因为没华语版, 我才不看广东版...). 所以后来在 Ch8 9pm 看了华语配音版. 虽然失去了演员说话时的语气和情感, 但不用看字幕简单方便多了.

佘诗曼不愧是 'TVB 最后的一姐'. 她一人撑起了 "新闻女王" 整部剧 (马国明 George 太花瓶了, 有点浪费).

从 "刑事偵緝檔案4" 的 '阿Man' 就开始注意佘诗曼, "金枝欲孽" 的 '尔淳' 让我觉得她的演技进步了很多. 而 "法證先鋒 2" 的 '马帼英' 让我开始喜欢和欣赏佘诗曼的演技. 继 "延禧宫略" 的 '娴妃' 后, 佘诗曼多次在剧中呈现了在超短时间内变换多个表情的精致表演. 而每个表情和情绪发挥的时间点与力度都拿捏得刚刚好.

"新闻女王" 所有角色的人物性格鲜明, 多数主要演员和单元主角的表现也不错. 众多角色中, 最喜欢陈子杰 (杰哥) 和刘艳; 方太最恶心.

全剧出了许多名言和经典台词. 开场和结尾都以 "抢独家, 抢头条, 抢画面" 作呼应.

最后, 黄宗泽这位神秘的国王帅气登场也非常耐人寻味... Stay Hungry, Stay Stupid.

期待 "新闻女王 2" 的拍摄与播出.


新闻女王 The Queen of News   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

九龙城寨之围城 Twilight Of The Warriors: Walled In

01 June 2024

"九龙城寨之围城" 应该是这20年来最优秀的港片了!!

剧情非常紧凑, 125分钟 没冷场, 没疑惑.
选角有惊喜. 除了古天乐和林峰领衔主演外, 也难得看得到一群明星 (如洪金宝, 郭富城, 任贤齐, 黄德斌)出演几个关键要角. 最喜欢的始终是龙哥和城寨四少 (信一, 十二少, 四仔, 陈家洛)之间的情与义.

虽然我没有去过历史上的九龙城寨, 但从许多文章, 报道, 照片, 影片读过和看过这个神秘且传奇的"三不管"地区的历史背景, 人文与生活风貌. 可以看出团队非常用心的还原九龙城寨的容貌和社区文化与风土民情. 城寨与启德机场之间危险的距离也多次透过不同的方式被强调.

如无意外, 下届香港金像奖的最佳电影, 最佳导演, 最佳美术指导, 最佳武术指导 这几个奖 应该会是囊中物. 林峰也有望封帝.

喜欢; 非常值回票价.

"Twilight Of The Warriors: Walled In" is the best Hong Kong movie produced in the past 20years!!

At 125min , it is an action-packed crime action film with a good plot and character development. Casting is excellent. Besides starring Louis Koo and Raymond Lam, the movie also featured superstars like Sammo Hung, Aaron Kwok, Richie Jen, Kenny Wong for several key roles. In particular, I love the brotherhood between Cyclone and the "4 protectors" of the Walled City.

Although I have not been to Kowloon Walled City, the history geek in me had read rather in-depth on its historical background, politics, culture and everyday life through articles and documentaries. It is quite obvious that the production team had did intensive research, which enables them to create realistic set and everyday life of the Walled City. Even its distance to Kai Tak Airport is emphasized multiple times using different metaphors.

I wont be surprised that "Twilight Of The Warriors: Walled In" will bag the Best Film, Best Director, Best Art Direction, Best Action Choreography awards in the next Hong Kong Film Award. In fact, Raymond Lam might even be crowned Best Actor.

I love this film; worth the bucks spent (on the ticket).


九龙城寨之围城 Twilight Of The Warriors: Walled In   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

Re-introduction of White Flat?

28 May 2024

i recalled this so-called "White Flat" was piloted in Punggol in 2000, but the initiative was unsuccessful then, so it was scrapped... if this idea was piloted before, how is this considered a 'pilot' again? but "White Flat" concept makes more sense now, as many crazy young couples like to tear down the internal walls of their BTO, something i'm sure they will regret years later. Response to: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/housing/open-concept-hdb-flats-without-partitions-or-beams-to-be-piloted-in-kallang-whampoa-bto-project

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Re-introduction of White Flat?   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

We Keep The World Laughing on ERP2.0

30 April 2024

On 27 April 2024, ROADS.sg uploaded a skit "Who is the CHAMPION who came out with this idea?" to question sarcastically on the usability of the new 3-part On-Board Unit (OBU), which the 3 components are installed all over the car (note: the driver has absolute no say on where these components will be installed), and the video demonstrated how the driver has to awkwardly adjust himself to insert the cashcard into the IU and remove it [watch ROADS.sg's video here].

Obviously, this went viral quickly. As of now (29 April 2024, this video has garnered 4.4k reactions (breakdown: 2.1k Like, 2.1k Laugh, 41 Wow, 41 Angry, 28 Sad, 14 Love). The video also has 1.3k comments and 1.7k shares.

Generally, from the comments, most netizens agree with ROADS.sg that the new OBU is a stupid invention that is not well thought and poorly designed without the end-user in mind. Technologically, it is also a downgrade from the current IU, and netizens called for a review of the implementation.

It makes me wonder who is the scholar that 'invented'/approved this brilliant idea lol! 🫣 Personally, i think the elephant in the room is, if motorcycle can do a 1-to-1 (i.e. single piece) IU replacement without compromising functions, why does the new IU for car needs to be split into 3 units (installed randomly all over the car)??

While this new 3-part OBU is already quite a bad running joke being ridiculed online and offline for the past 2 days, LTA surprised everyone with an even sillier 'powerpoint slide video' on 29 April 2024 as a failed attempt trying to rebuke why the motorbike single-piece IU cannot be installed in cars [watch LTA's video here].

Obviously, LTA's video went viral for the wrong reason, as most netizens do not buy the rationale. As of now (29 April 2024 11.55pm (13h after the video was uploaded), LTA's video garnered 703 reactions (breakdown: 133 Like, 306 Laugh, 7 Wow, 251 Angry, 6 Sad, 0 Love). LTA's video has 813 comments and 186 shares. Comments are generally quite negative. Similar negative feedback are also observed across news pages, forums and offline.

Similar to SimplyGo, the 'poor explanation is worse than not explaining' attempt by LTA is actually creating even more questions than clarifications...

1. LTA's explanation on why the motorcycle single piece OBU cannot be installed in cars is because the interior of car has a higher temperature than the ambient temperature outdoor raised eyebrows. It is like implying the original 1998 technology (in terms of dealing with the interior temperature) is much better than the new one. If this is the case, then why is there a need to change/upgrade? Furthermore, there are a lot of other equipments installed in cars (e.g. radio, dash-cam, taxi meter, etc.). LTA's explanation is simply not convincing.

2. Giving LTA the benefit of doubt that the motorcycle single piece OBU cannot be installed in cars due to the temperature issue, can this challenge be resolved? If not, is it due to technical or cost constraint?

3. If the motorcycle single compartment is not missing any function, why does the car version needs to be split into 3 separated compartments?

4. Why drivers cannot decide where these components should be installed in their cars?

5. If the compartment for the insertion of cashcard needs to be installed at the leg area, why cant it be installed at the driver's side?

6. Is there any trial for this? If yes, what is the sample size and feedback?

7. What is the intention of transiting to ERP2.0? (i.e. to further track our every movement?)

8. What's the benefit of ERP2.0?

Considering that ERP has an excellent track record of not breaking down once since 1998, we need more clarifications and transparency on this.

With so much hate on this online & GE coming soon, many wonder whether will we see another go-stan on this nonsense too. After all, it is not that easy for the same agency to make so much blunder within a few months lol. but well, We Keep The World Laughing.

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We Keep The World Laughing on ERP2.0   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

Lawrence Wong will take over as the 4th Prime Minister of Singapore on 15 May 2024

15 April 2024

I am genuinely happy that DPM Lawrence Wong will take over as the 4th Prime Minister of Singapore on 15 May 2024.

I personally learnt a lot from DPM Lawrence Wong while working for the "Reimagining Tampines" and "Reimagining Limbang" projects, and World Cities Summit 2018. I am confident to say that Singapore is in safe hands under his leadership.

I hope Chan Chun Sing and Desmond Lee will be appointed as the next Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore.

Lawrence Wong will take over as the 4th Prime Minister of Singapore on 15 May 2024   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

Predictions for Star Awards 2024

07 April 2024

Earlier, I had expressed my thought and disappointment on the nomination for Singapore Star Awards (新加坡红星大奖) 2024, which was announced on 22 Feb 2024.

While I am still baffled on why Romeo Tan (Shero), He Ying Ying (Cash On Delivery) and Carrie Wong (Shero) were not nominated for Best Actor or Best Actress, whereas the trashy and poor viewership rating “金色大道 All That Glitters” drama garnered so many nominations, I still think many of the nominees do deserve recognition for their performance.

After scrutinizing the nominees, I have pick the following favourites and dark horses who will likely cling the respective award. I have also wrote a short critique on why the selected nominee deserves the award, and why I didnt pick the others.

Best Drama:
- 送餐英雄 Cash On Delivery {My Pick!} [the pandemic is still fresh in our mind. this drama accurately teleport audience back to 2020 with high accuracy in details, emotions & sentiments on ground. plus, there is multiple storylines happening, telling the lives of the average Singaporeans fighting and struggling during 2020. furthermore, the entire cast act well.]
- 陪你到最后 Till The End {Dark Horse!} [While styled like a stereotypical family comedy-drama, this drama touched on the topic of death, after-death planning, and forgiveness. The main cast act reasonably well and are quite on point for the comical moments.]
- 欧巴, 我爱你 Oppa, Saranghae [the trailers look boring and uninspiring (mediacorpse really sucks in creating trailers to promote their dramas), but I ended up enjoy watching this drama, which is a satire of office politics, vicious cycle rat race, how everyone is replaceable in work, the average OL’s obsession with K-drama, urban loneliness, etc. I love the bff chemistry between Rui En and Macy. Casting is appropriate, with the biggest surprise being Cynthia Koh hurling Korean vulgarities. As this is an ‘outsourced’ drama, as much as I like it, I doubt it will win.]
- Shero [I like this drama. It is one of the rare ‘better’ break from the typical family dramas that MediaCorpse is famous for producing. However, there is quite a few loopholes throughout the drama, and some of these loopholes are quite critical (mainly on how Yinchen handles & deal with the news of Xiao Xi, which is unrealistic). nonetheless, the overall concept is refreshing for an in-house production.]
- 金色大道 All That Glitters [Definitely one of the worse (if not the worst) drama of 2023. the script is surprisingly disappointing, considering it is from renowned scriptwriter Ang Eng Tee. it seems to be written in the 1990s, but was not filmed for some reason… but the plot was not updated for the story to be relevant in its time setting (i.e. who still ‘invest’ in Gold with the hope to make it big in 2010? the plot will be more realistic if it is set in 1990s). furthermore, the cinematography is really messy! the star-studded cast did not managed to save this drama. If this drama wins this award, it just proved that Mark Lee was right in saying the award usually goes to big budget ‘blockbuster’, even if it flopped in terms of viewership and review. I would prefer “密宅 Silent Walls” to be nominated instead.]

Best Actor:
- 陈邦鋆 Andie Chen (密宅 Silent Walls) {My Pick!} [Andie acting has been consistent since his breakthrough performance for “十年…你还好吗?” in 2016. He did exceptionally well for the 2023 chapter of “Silent Walls”, which he started as the ’suspect’, before being revealed to be a loving husband who did his best to protect Jojo. His emotions for the last few scenes were well portrayed.]
- 许瑞奇 Richie Koh (送餐英雄 Cash On Delivery) {Dark Horse!} [Richie acting has always been on point since his “When Duty Calls” debut. He is able to ditch the ‘Tiancai’ image for “Cash On Delivery” and “Till The End”. However, I dont think Mediacorpse will give him another ‘Best Actor’ award for 2 consecutive years, unless Mediacorpse wants to push him to Ah Ge status immediately. tbh I don’t mind Richie win this award again as his performance is really good, especially in the scenes that he bid farewell to his beloved grandma Jin Yinji.]
- 陈汉玮 Chen Han Wei (天公疼憨人 Whatever Will Be, Will Be) [How many more ‘Best Actor’ trophy does CHW needs to prove he can act? However, I will not be surprised if Mediacorpse decides to give him the award again this year. Well, 2 more before his ascension to the ‘Best Actor of All Time’ altar.]
- 陈泂江 Desmond Tan (金色大道 All That Glitters) [Desmond acting used to be good, but has been pretty stagnant since he cringed his 1st ‘Best Actor’ award for “When Duty Calls” in 2017. He needs to pick better role/script to break the ‘收视毒药’ & ‘main lead of lousy script drama’ curse, as his recent dramas such as “CTRL”, “When Duty Calls 2”, “All That Glitters” are pretty bad in plot and rating.]
- 田铭耀 Jeremy Chan (金色大道 All That Glitters) [Jeremy has been constantly improving on his acting skill, but I really do not think he is ready to be crowned ‘Best Actor’ yet. As an actor, I prefer his performance for “My Agent Is A Hero” and “Crouching Tiger Hidden Ghost”.]

Best Actress:
- 鐘琴 Kym Ng (陪你到最后 Till The End) {My Pick!} [Kym is no doubt the most popular female host of Singapore. However, she has proved numerous time that she can also act too, for her performance in “It Takes Two”, “When Duty Calls”, “Daybreak” & “My Guardian Angels”. actually I thought she might won ‘Best Actress’ with “My Guardian Angels”, as I think she acted much better than Zoe in that drama. Kym performed relatively well in “Till The End”, being much more natural than her daughter Boon Hui Lu. however, there were a few scenes that she looks comical (at the brink of bursting into laugher even though she is just being very serious and emotional.]
- 胡煜诗 Jernelle Oh (送餐英雄 Cash On Delivery) {Dark Horse!} [Jernelle is definitely the dark horse among the Star Search 2019 alumnus. she was a very plain-jane-looking contestant without star power during SS19 (whom i dont think she could progress to the final), to a promising actress who can handle any role assigned to her (e.g. Ji Lian, Chai Lai, Mei Zhen, Ya Ya). her portraying of ‘美少女 Mei Zhen' is 'just nice', not too over. can tell she did her homework in observing and interacting with people with special needs. most importantly, Jernelle can act with her eyes, as she is masked up for most of the show.]
- 瑞恩 Rui En (欧巴, 我爱你 Oppa, Saranghae) [I always thought Rui En has the best acting among the 7 princesses, and I really like her personality. Perhaps Rui En can consider acting as a mama-san for her next drama?]
- 黄暄婷 Chantalle Ng (金色大道 All That Glitters) [Chantalle did ok as a visually-handicapped person. but i think she did much better for “My Star Bride”, “Leave No Soul Behind”, “The Unbreakable Bond” & “Love at First Bite”. she basically missed the bus for “My Star Bride”, as she deserved the 'Best Actress' award for her portrayal of Fang Cao. with her capabilities (among the best for her generation), she will definitely bag this award soon.]
- 白薇秀 Joanne Peh (Shero) [I really think Joanne's acting improve leaps and bounds after her marriage. she really impressed me in “The Journey: Turbultuous Times” (2014), “Say Cheese” (2018) and “Mind Jumper” (2021). in fact, she should had won her 3rd & 4th 'Best Actress' for“Say Cheese” & “Mind Jumper”. however, her performances in "Shero" is really not up to expectation; quite far off from her usual standard. perhaps this is not a role suitable for her current calibre (i.e. she is too good for this character). while Joanne did great for her emotions in learning that her sister is missing, her reactions when she found Xiao Xi being alive and standing before her eyes is ridiculously inaccurate for someone who is so desperate in finding her presumably dead sister. it is also baffling that she is constantly loved-blinded and refused to believe Xiao Xi that Rui Xiang / Max is suspicious and might be responsible for her MIA. this contradicts sharply with her inner thoughts of loving and protecting her sister. perhaps the scriptwriter should be responsible for these faults, but I though a senior actress like Joanne should had highlighted these issues with the production team? in addition, the constant screaming and wailing of 'Xiao Xi' is annoying to the max. i feel Carrie should had being nominated for Xiao Xi instead.]

Best Supporting Actor:
- 陈邦鋆 Andie Chen (天公疼憨人 Whatever Will Be, Will Be) {My Pick!} [Andie is the highlight of this dialect show, and I think he acted much better than CHW in this drama. His pairing with Yvonne Lim is also cute and natural. Will Andie be the next XSG to cling ‘Best Actor’, ‘Best Supporting’ and ‘Top 10’ in the same year? We shall see.]
- 朱厚任 Zhu Hou Ren (天公疼憨人 Whatever Will Be, Will Be) {Dark Horse!} [actually Zhu Hou Ren character is the main lead of this drama, as the entire plot evolves around him. but he is nominated for supporting in mediacorpse universe (similar to Xiang Yun, who was always nominated for supporting even when her character is obviously a lead or co-lead). I personally prefers Zhu Hou Ren's performance in "陪你到最后 Till The End”, which his emotions are always on point, especially when he deals with the passing of his son.]
- 林明伦 Darren Lim (Shero) [Darren Lim is someone who can act and host well. however, I dont recall much of Darren's character in "Shero" (the client who always molest Tay Ying?)! perhaps he stands a better chance of winning if he is nominated for his performance in “Silent Walls” (pervertic manipulator) or “The Sky Is Still Blue” (kind and caring father of Ferlyn).]
- 宏荣 Peter Yu (送餐英雄 Cash On Delivery) [his performance is ok, but this role is too similar to his comeback role in “Hero” (the 2016 comedy drama based at Dakota.]
- 张哲通 Zhang Ze Tong (金色大道 All That Glitters) [I feel Ze Tong peaked in Star Search 2019. his acting (which is always those same few expressions) is quite lacklustre for a Star Search champion. should had nominated Brandon Wong for “Shero” instead.]

Best Supporting Actress:
- 陈丽贞 Aileen Tan (Shero) {My Pick!} [Aileen send chills down my spine for this villain role. on the surface, she appears to be a caring and nurturing mother of Rui Xiang, but she is actually a viscous and cunning leader of a gang and drug cartel. she will do anything for her own selfish gains, including worsening Max's schizophrenic condition, sacrificing her husband and lover. she is also damn skillful in manipulating Rayson Tan and Brandon Wong to her bidding. it has been a long while since Aileen leave such a strong impression for her role (perhaps since “Beautiful Connection” and “Mars vs Venus”!]
- 陈莉萍 Chen Li Ping (从零开始 The Sky Is Still Blue) {Dark Horse!} [i will say it will be a very fierce battle between Aileen Tan, Chen Li Ping & Jin Yinji; all 3 act really well for their respective nomination. CLP is the caring mother of Sheryl Ang who also treats her bffs like her own kids, and the understanding boss of the old-school neighbourhood laundry shop. i love the chemistry between CLP & Sheryl, which really reassemble a real mother-child relationship off reel. the nomination clip nicely shows the scene that she was agitated by Wang Yuqing till she had a stroke. this is definitely CLP best scene in the drama.]
- 金银姬 Jin Yinji (送餐英雄 Cash On Delivery) {Dark Horse!} [for the 1st time, i think Jin yinji can act! I never like her acting, as I always feel she survived in mediacorpse due to her seniority. her so-called acting in the past lacks inner depth, as she just forced it all out through her exaggerated facial expressions, something that works for theatre stage play, but not for drama or movie. this is the 1st drama that her acting is very natural, and she does not speak with her Korean accent! did she attended drama and chinese classes for these magic to happen? moreover, her chemistry with Richie is marvellous!]
- 洪慧芳 Hong Hui Fang (黄金巨塔 Strike Gold) [HHF is an established actress since the 80s. However, this nomination is for a rather bland auntie role, which does not stand out when compared with Aileen, CLP or Jin Yinji.]
- 雅慧 Ya Hui (家人之间 Family Ties) [while objectively, i feel Ya Hui's acting had stagnant, with no memorable roles since "118”. it is quite sad to see her being sidelined and ‘demoted' to 'supporting' category after her contract saga. furthermore, she was nominated for a role that has very limited room for her to perform. to rub salt into her wound, her nomination clip was a 'slutty' scene that is not representative of this single mum role. should had cut a better scene, or might as well nominate Constance Song or Bonnie Loo from the same show instead. if i am Ya Hui, I will feel very insulted.]

Best Programme Host:
- 陈澍城 Chen Shu Cheng (三吃客 Foodie Trio) {My Pick!} [Chen Shu Cheng is a veteran in the industry and an established host in the early 1990s. it has been a long while since he hosted a programme again. It is time to give him due recognition for his hosting capabilities. furthermore, he is extremely friendly in person (i am fortunate to bump into him at Shinjuku Hermes in 2014).]
- 林明伦 Darren Lim (线人 4 Fixer 4) {Dark Horse!} [Darren started off as a host for travelogue shows in the 1990s. he is consistently one of the better local infotainment male host who is still active (the other being Danny Yeo).]
- 鐘琴 Kym Ng (古早味侦探 4 Old Taste Detective S4) [I think Kym delivered within her expected standard for this documentary, nothing bad, nothing outstanding. objectively, i though those episodes by Bryan Wong is slightly more entertaining.]
- 郭亮 Guo Liang (惠眼说亮话 The Zoe and Liang Show) [no comments for a mewach exclusive online programme that is not even screened on tv. No doubt that Guo Liang is the best male host in Singapore. Therefore, Guo Liang needs a comeback from those Wonder Shop nonsenses.]
- 权怡凤 Quan Yi Fong (权听你说 4 Hear U Out S4) [Similar to CHW, i dont think QYF needs another ‘Best Host’ award to prove that she can host. while she ventured overseas to interview superstars of HK and TW for this season, there isnt much difference in her interview technique and skills from the previous seasons that makes her performance stand out. furthermore, this is the nth time she got nominated based on this show. yes, this is her signature programme and objectively it is interesting to watch. but if she is still hungry for this award, she needs to start a new ground-breaking programme that can wow audience again.]

Best Audio Personality:
- 陈宁 Chen Ning {My Pick!} [tbh, i couldnt care less about this award, as I dont listen to MediaCorp radio channels. objectively, a good DJ, needs to have a good pleasant voice, nice humble personality, and the ability to churn out quality content. based on these criteria, i think Chen Ning might be the better fit for this award.]
- 张颖双 Hazelle Teo {Dark Horse!} [she is definitely one of the poster girl that the station is grooming! she is on radio, hosting variety shows and live gigs, appearing in dramas and other guest appearances.]
- 周崇庆 Dennis Chew [as long as he move on with life and stop reviving Auntie Lucy to annoy audience.]
- 钟坤华 Zhong Kunhua [i think he is ok, but lesser impression than Chen Ning and Hazelle. I pretty much remembered him for his house tour, Esso ads and random cameo in dramas.]
- 林灵芝 Lim Leng Kee [my impression of Leng Kee still stops at her time with fm1003 >20years ago (when I was still in primary school).]

Young Talent Award:
- 王勇畯 Alfred Ong (金色大道 All That Glitters) {My Pick!} [Alfred Ong has been very consistent in his acting. His breakthrough was “Mind Jumper” and he is constantly improving. however, as he won this award last year, so I wonder whether he will continue his winning streak for this title again this year.]
- 洪宇恒 Ang Yu Heng Tesla (送餐英雄 Cash On Delivery) {Dark Horse!} [Tesla acted well for his character who suffers from ADHD. his chemistry with his ‘father’ Calvin Soh is touching.]
- 张敬元 Andre Teo Jing Yuan (三吃客 Foodie Trio) [rare for a kid to host a variety show, and even rarer to get nominated for it.]
- 谢芷萱 Chia Zhi Xuan Ivory (金色大道 All That Glitters) [no comments]
- 陈宥蒽 Natalie Mae Tan (金色大道 All That Glitters) [no comments]

Best Rising Star:
- 黄诗敏 Karyn Wong (游走的歌王 Battle of the Buskers) {My Pick!} [she is a much better and more professional host than Lee Teng in this show! she has the potential to be a reliable live host.]
- 王硕瀚 Hank Wang (熟悉的陌生人 Stranger in the Dark) {Dark Horse!} [I knew Hank Wang through “女人我最大”. i’m surprised that he gets nominated, as he is not based locally. he acts ok in this drama.]
- 卓芳娴 Yunis To (熟悉的陌生人 Stranger in the Dark) [she was a standout in this drama even though she has much lesser screentime than the leads.]
- 楊言 Yang Yan (熟悉的陌生人 Stranger in the Dark) [i remember him more as an artist signed under Noon Talk, and his guest performance during the “Sheng Siong Show”.]
- 郭慧萱 Isabelle Quek (小岛国大发现 Curious City S2) [it is already baffling for someone who cant speak proper chinese to be selected to host a chinese infotainment programme. It is even more (extremely) baffling for this person to be nominated for ‘Best Newbies’ for such horrible delivery. tbh it is really not funny to endure her broken chinese for such documentary, with Desmond and Herman constantly required to save her from embarrassment. when I thought Kele was bad, Isabelle is worst.]

Best Entertainment Programme:
- 星牌运动员 The Star Athlete {My Pick!} [not an original programme, as it is an obvious copy of similar shows from Japan, Korea & Taiwan. nevertheless, it is entertaining, promoting healthy lifestyle and introduced various sports to audience. it also features various professional sportsmen/sportswomen, artists and even politicians. usually star-stubbed variety shows will win this award.]
- 小团剧 The Reunion {Dark Horse!} [it is quite commendable for the production team to gather so many past artists to talk about the filming of past hit dramas.]
- 三吃客 Foodie Trio [interesting concept to pair a veteran host with a newbie and a kid.]
- 游走的歌王-大决赛 Battle of the Buskers - Grand Final [Lee Teng needs to work on his live hosting and interviews skills. there is too many verbal faux pas to ignore, and some were quite offensive (e.g. when he interviewed Cloud&Party). why this show does not reward the 2nd & 3rd place?]
- 权听你说 4 Hear U Out S4 [not again?]

Best Infotainment Programme:
- 战地食谱 Wartime Food {My Pick!} [i do think this show was conceptualized due to the Ukraine War. nevertheless, it is a very good documentary that used food to narrate the history and suffering of various wars and conflicts. i like how the history were summarized concisely, yet informative. furthermore, the hosts are good.]
- 光照不到的角落 Two Worlds Apart {Dark Horse!} [good documentary that highlighted the life of the underprivileged and outcast.]
- 狮城奇案之罪案现场 Inside Crime Scene S2 [good documentary on various high-profile major crimes committed in Singapore.]
- 极境之旅 Forbidding No More S2 [I prefer episodes hosted by Ge Fan. perhaps Ayden Sng can consider hosting more programme? after all, it is a good platform for him to showcase his perfect chinese.]
- 古早味侦探 4 Old Taste Detective S4 [tbh i though it is a little lame to get the host/chefs to search and re-create the original recipe of popular local cuisines. i thought it is difficult to prove that whatever was revived is indeed the ‘original taste’ of that dish. probably a show with a good concept, but the delivery gets lost somehow.]

Best Theme Song:
- 觉醒 / 铃凯 Ling Kai (Shero) {My Pick!} [it is rare to hear a heavy metal song being selected as the theme for a local drama. whatsoever, it fits the concept and mood of the drama perfectly. Ling Kai also delivered a strong rendition with her wide vocal range and technique. this song would be a hit if it was released as a drama theme song in Japan.]
- 来自星际的风 / 金在勲 Kim Jae Hoon (欧巴, 我爱你 Oppa, Saranghae) {Dark Horse!} [this song has the k-drama vibes, which ties in seamlessly with the drama. it does makes the ambient of this drama resemble a typical korean love drama. Kim Jae Hoon sings pretty well for this OST.]
- 取暖 / 郑可为 Tay Kewei & 沈志豪 Alfred Sim (只此一家 My One and Only) [this is a very heart-warming duet from the couple. it fits the 30min real estate sitcom well. i am able to hymn a little of this song after listening to it almost daily.]
- 陪你到最后 / 文慧如 Boon Hui Lu (陪你到最后 Till The End) [it is nostalgic for the lead actress to sing the theme song, like what it used to be in the 90s.]
- 断舍离 / 插班生 The Freshman (整你的人生 Fix My Life) [seriously not a fan of 插班生 [quite surprising to see how they are still active in the industry for so long with their lack of achievement.]

Top 10 Most Popular Male Artist:
{My Pick!} [my preferred winner(s); i.e. my personal preference]
1. Romeo Tan
2. Richie Koh
3. Desmond Ng
4. James Seah
5. Shaun Chen
6. Shane Pow
7. Andie Chen
8. Zhang Yao Dong
9. Darren Lim
10. Pornsak

{My Prediction} [who i think will win (predicted based on their popularity)]
1. Romeo Tan
2. Desmond Tan
3. Richie Koh
4. Marcus Chin
5. Shaun Chen
6. Guo Liang
7. Jeffrey Xu
8. Jeremy Chan
9. Ben Yeo
10. Desmond Ng

{Dark Horse!} [who i think might win (stands a chance, but lower probability)]
11. Pornsak
12. Zhang Yao Dong
13. Shane Pow
14. James Seah
15. Andie Chen

Top 10 Most Popular Female Artist:
{My Pick!} [my preferred winner(s); i.e. my personal preference]
1. He Ying Ying
2. Hong Ling
3. Tasha Low
4. Chantelle Ng
5. Ferlyn G
6. Bonnie Loo
7. Denise Camillia Tan
8. Macy (Mei Xin)
9. Belinda Lee
10. Yvonne Lim

{My Prediction} [who i think will win (predicted based on their popularity)]
1. Carrie Wong
2. Ya Hui
3. He Ying Ying
4. Hong Ling
5. Chantelle Ng
6. Tasha Low
7. Gao Mei Gui
8. Fang Rong
9. Hazelle Teo
10. Yvonne Lim

{Dark Horse!} [who i think might win (stands a chance, but lower probability)]
11. Lina Ng
12. Evelyn Tan
13. Tay Ying
14. Xixi Lim
15. Boon Hui Lu

Most Popular Rising Stars:
{My Pick!} [my preferred winner(s); i.e. my personal preference]
1. Sheryl Ang
2. Shawn Thia
3. Jernelle Oh

{My Prediction} [who i think will win (predicted based on their popularity)]
1. Ayden Sng
2. Das DD
3. Zhu Ze Liang

{Dark Horse!} [who i think might win (stands a chance, but lower probability)]
4. Tyler Ten
5. Zhang Ze Tong
6. Jernelle Oh

[I think it is only fair to have a separate category for DJ (Radio Personality), because the current criteria is not fair for both artists and DJs. artist needs to be lead for at least 1 drama, supporting for at least 3 dramas, or accumulate a total of 30 episodes of appearance in dramas. whereas, DJs can be nominated so long they are the main host of a radio programme (which is a lot easier to achieve). furthermore, DJ can consistently promote themselves during their airtime daily. however, most TV audience are not familiar with DJs, as most of them do not crossover to host or act. having a separate “Most Popular Radio Personality” creates a fairer playing field for all. it can be awarded to top 3 only, and a mixed-gender category similar to “Most Popular Rising Stars”.]

Favourite CP:
{My Pick!} [my preferred winner(s); i.e. my personal preference]
Richie Koh & He Ying Ying

{My Prediction} [who i think will win (predicted based on their popularity)]
Rui En & Kim Jae Hoon

{Dark Horse!} [who i think might win (stands a chance, but lower probability)]
Richie Koh & He Ying Ying

Show Stealer:
{My Pick!} [my preferred winner(s); i.e. my personal preference]
Jernelle Oh

{My Prediction} [who i think will win (predicted based on their popularity)]
Jernelle Oh

{Dark Horse!} [who i think might win (stands a chance, but lower probability)]
Richie Koh

Most Hated Villain:
{My Pick!} [my preferred winner(s); i.e. my personal preference]
Shaun Chen

{My Prediction} [who i think will win (predicted based on their popularity)]
Brandon Wong

{Dark Horse!} [who i think might win (stands a chance, but lower probability)]
Jeffrey Xu

[note: I deliberately left out those random sponsored consolation prizes, as the winners for these awards are often ‘fixed’ by sponsors already.]

We are currently 2 weeks away from the award ceremony on 21 April 2024 (Sun). I shall see whether I share the same preferences as the judges.

I have a feeling that MediaCorp will likely announce a new run of Star Search (possibly with final in November 2024) during the ceremony. after all, it has been 5years since Star Search 2019, the SS19 alumni are doing pretty well now, and there are not enough young talents for lead roles. if this is the case, Star Search alumnus (especially past winners such as Andie, Aileen, Ze Tong) will bag the 'Best' awards, as an 'encouragement' to call for participants. not forgetting that Ann Kok (SS93 alumni) will be anointed to the altar this year.

Do watch the Star Awards 2024 Live on Channel 8, Channel U, MeWatch, or Mediacorp Entertainment YouTube Channel.

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Predictions for Star Awards 2024   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

28 March 2024 (Thursday)

28 March 2024

Today (28 March 2024 Thursday), I am finally done with all radiotherapy treatment. I also completed the first phase of chemotherapy treatment (daily pill) today. Praise the Lord for giving me strength & sustaining me. 🙏🏻

During my routine follow-up at NUH on 7 June 2023, my neurosurgeon Dr Teo Kejia informed that from MRI scans, the brain tumour had relapsed.

The next day (8.6.23 Thu), after my morning shower, I had a huge cry; a huge emotional breakdown. I told Mumy that I am really very tired. I am tired of fighting, tired of waiting, tired of living in fear, tired of eating medicine, tired of having no freedom, tired of having false hope, tired of struggling. the outburst is an accumulation of anxiety & frustration, unrealized dreams, etc... I still have scary flashback of the May 2020 operation. memories of being wheelchaired to the OT alone (CB restrictions), with the 8am morning sunshine flooding the long corridor is still haunting me (to the extent that i developed a phobia of seeing morning sunlight shining through glass panels). I was also alone thruout the 5days stay in hospital. While the 2020 surgery is very successful, i still cant help but worry whether i might lose part of my memory or functions (i.e. language, motor, sensory) if i go thru another operation. I am really afraid of losing memory & functions.

Ironically, another part of me screamed loudly that if i gave up now, it is a complete lost, as there will really be no hope, something i'm not resigned to.

Mumy hug & sayang me. Mumy said she already lost Papa & she dont want to lose me. Mumy took some of my favourite things for me; Mumy tells me to hug jimjim, baixiong & xiaoxiong. Mumy wiped my tears; she tells me to stop crying. However, i told her i feel better for crying out, so she let me cry. Mumy says i should only start thinking after i calm down. Mumy also passed me my bible, ask me to read & calm down. Mumy said Jesus will protect me. Mumy hug & sayang me again.

After much consideration, I decided to go for the operation. As there are still too many things unsettled, I discussed with Dr Teo for the surgery to be after the planned Japan trip in September 2023, because 1 of my '2020 dying wish' was to bring Mumy to Japan at least once, and I had already booked our flight & hotels in March 2023. The operation was originally scheduled on 16 October 2023. However, I was down with flu after the Japan trip, so the operation was postponed till 26 December 2023, as the medical team opined that there is risk of infection & vibration due to cough & phlegm.

Together with my surgeon Dr Kejia, anaesthesian Dr Will, clinical psychologist Dr Hui Minn & team, I fought bravely again during the operation on 26 December 2023. Based on the op procedures, awake segment assessments & MRI scans, Doctors shared that the surgery is successful, removing most of the tumour (estimated >95% of the tumour) without affecting my functions & memories. The residual cannot be removed, as the awake assessment shows that removing it will affect the function & sensation of my left hand. Hence, i'm advised to do radiotherapy & chemotherapy to destroy the residual, prevent the residual from growing or progress, prevent relapse, and to prolong my life.

I started the 1st radiotherapy session on 13 February 2024 (every work day); I also started chemotherapy on 13 February 2024 (via pills daily).

The fatigue from radiotherapy, constipation from the chemo pills & hair fall from radiotherapy are really difficult to handle. Before treatment, my oncologists did mentioned that there might be hair loss. The radiotherapists shared that hair loss is temporary & likely will only start after the 14th session. True enough, after completing the 14th session, when I was showering at home, I started seeing significant hair fall on the part of my scalp where radiotherapy treatment is targeting. It is very scary, upset & sad to see my hand with lots of hair whenever i wash or touch it. The radiotherapists shared that the hair fall is due to irritation from radiation treatment, hair fall might increase gradually, but hair will regrow about 2-4weeks after treatment stop.

Shouting a big 'Thank You' to all radiotherapists of A14 (Carinne, Rahmat, Chin Leng) [+ other radiotherapists (e.g. Samantha, Choon Yen, Guan Da, Guan Lee, Jian Yang) who helped out at A14]. Going through radiotherapy treatment is scary. There is a lot of anxiety; procedures like putting on the tight mask induces claustrophobia, detecting burnt smell and feeling random pain/sensation during or after treatment, expecting and experiencing different kinds of side effects after each session, mild dizziness, fatigue, hair fall, etc. Honestly, these can be quite overwhelming on certain days. Thank you for being so patient and assuring throughout the 33 radiotherapy sessions, listening to my concerns and answering all my enquiries. Thank you for playing a big role in my recovery journey.

My health condition is the reason why I have been declining invitations for bday celebrations, x'mas, cny, gatherings, meet-ups and weddings. my sincere apologies for these and appreciate your understanding on this.

I will be on 28days break, before transiting to a '5days chemo 23days rest' cycle, which should end on 17 September 2024.

While my life plans are messed up and many plans need to be postponed, I have faith that I will win this battle. Please pray for me for healing and full recovery.

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28 March 2024 (Thursday)   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.


25 March 2024

今天 (25.3.2024) 下午一回到家, 就聽到電台 (96.3好fm) DJ麗儀播報台灣才女鄭華娟突然病逝的噩耗... 有點震驚! 父母喜歡聽歌, 所以小時候的我常常聽卡帶和廣播, 因此對80年代末90年代初的華語歌一點都不陌生. 除了啓蒙偶像王傑外, 有許多我喜歡的華語歌 (如林慧萍的"新戀情", 張清芳的"加州陽光") 都是鄭華娟創作的. 謝謝您創作了那麼多首經典作品, 願才女一路好走.

台灣才女鄭華娟突然病逝的噩耗   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.

[文彬影评] 2022版 "飞狐外传"

01 March 2024

[文彬影评] 现在正追看Ch8 11pm 播出的 "飞狐外传" (无意间忘记关电视, 看到第19集后, 就开始追看).

改篇自"飞狐外传"和"雪山飞狐" 两部比较少拍成电视剧的金庸武侠小说, 这版 (2022秦俊杰版) "飞狐外传" 真的很不错! 可以说是近几年金庸翻拍剧比较成功的. "飞狐外传 2022" 忠于原著, 情节紧奏, 实景拍摄, 打斗场面也很真实 (不是电脑特效), 服装与造型不难看, 选角也算成功 (虽然除了何润东 刘雪华 吕良伟 翁虹 之外, 其他的主要演员我都不认识). 演员们的演技也在线.

"飞狐外传" 的部分应该要结尾了 (所以还蛮舍不得程灵素) ... 但也期待长大后的苗若兰, 还有胡斐最后会不会在悬崖砍下那一刀, 或保留开放式结局?

rating 8/10 good

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[文彬影评] 2022版 "飞狐外传"   © 文彬 2004~2024. All rights reserved.